[nycphp-talk] text to link function

ken wu ken_11223 at
Sun Jul 7 21:21:39 EDT 2002

WEll, Jeremy, though your code is good, but I think
mine is much better. since it can as well look for
stuff like : http://, and not

here u are :

function scanText($text) { // this function is to scan
out any URL link and return it with the ahref link

         $before = $text;
         //print "before = $before<br>";
         $search = array ("/(\\bhttp*:\\/\\/(\\S+)\\b)/ie",
         $replace = array("' <a href=\\"\\\\1\\"
class=\\"indexMenu\\">'.trim('\\\\1').'</a> '", "' <a
href=\\"http://'.substr(trim('\\\\1'), 0,
strlen(trim('\\\\1'))).'\\" target=\\"_blank\\"
class=\\"indexMenu\\">http://'.substr(trim('\\\\1'), 0,
strlen(trim('\\\\1'))).'</a> '");
         $result = preg_replace ($search, $replace,

         return "$result ";


just pass your variables through this function and get
the link return.

--- Jeremy Hise <jhise at> wrote:
> Hey dude:
> The following code looks for stuff in the format of:
> www.----
> and replaces it with 
> <a href = 'http://www.----'>www.-----</a>
> You can tweak it for your purposes.
> Good luck,
> Hise
> ---------------------------------
> <?php
> $test_text =
> ereg_replace("www.[^<>[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]/]", "<a
> href =
> http://\\\\0>\\\\0</a>", $test_text);
> ?>
> ---------------------------------
> On Sun, 2002-07-07 at 04:10, Donald J. Organ IV
> wrote:
> > Does anyone know of any text to link functions out
> there??
> > 
> > to clerify what i need is i have a variable $foo
> and i need to display any
> > urls, if anythat are in that variable to be
> displayed as a link.
> > 
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> > 
> > --Donald
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 

Ken Wu

168 35 Street Apt 2
Broooklyn, NY 11232-2320

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