[nycphp-talk] [0T] Verizon FIOS -- comments?

Michael Hernandez sequethin at
Fri May 15 16:18:17 EDT 2009

On Fri, 2009-05-15 at 16:04 -0400, David Mintz wrote:
> Over the yearsI have been through several DSL providers that went
> belly up or otherwise became unacceptable (i.e., Speakeasy after it
> got bought), and I have more recently been with Comcast, and with all
> those that were dynamic IP I have never had any trouble thanks to
> Now the Linksys router I use has a whats-its, dynamic ip
> updater client built right in, and it's been flawless. Interestingly,
> none of these ISPs has blocked port 80 on me.

Since we're OT here, I'll throw in that if your IP does change, but
doesn't change often, dyndns gets mad and cancels your account for not
updating enough. What I did to get around that is write a shell script
that checks (via it's automation specific page) and if
the IP of the machine has changed, my script emails me to tell me.

--Mike H

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