[nycphp-talk] Apache/PHP on MAC OSX

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Wed Feb 14 17:02:49 EST 2007

I checked that out. No problems there.

On 2/14/07 4:57 PM, "Mark Withington" <mwithington at> wrote:

> Did you check your "personal" httpd.conf?  Should be in the etc/httpd/users
> folder.  There might be some hocus-pocus going on there
> On 2/14/07, Cliff Hirsch  <cliff at> wrote:
>> I asked before, but I'm still having trouble. I blew up the default OSX
>> Apache after trying to switch from Entropy PHP 5.2 to 5.1.6 because Zend
>> doesn't support 5.2 for remote debugging. Now I can't get the default OSX
>> Apache to run. I have MAMP running, but it doesn't appear to support SSL,
>> although I could be wrong.
>> Does anyone have suggestions for restoring my default OSX Apache? I looked at
>> the httpd.conf file and it looks fine. Any other ideas for getting PHP5.1.x
>> running on OSX? Does the experimental XAMPP solution work? I'd try Entropy
>> again if I can restore Apache.
>> Other ideas...this shouldn't be so difficult, but it's starting to make
>> WindowsXP look better...

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