[nycphp-talk] capricious submission of forms

tedd tedd at
Mon Feb 12 08:01:02 EST 2007

At 3:44 PM -0500 2/11/07, Rolan Yang wrote:
>Interesting, that URL fails to open in Opera browser. "invalid URL" error.

There are differences in Browsers with respect to handling and 
displaying multilingual domains. Some older Opera's fail while Opera 
9 for Win and Safari for Mac work correctly.

If you can't upgrade, let me know and I'll move the demo to an 
"English" domain.




>tedd wrote:
>>At 10:07 AM -0500 2/11/07, Peter Sawczynec wrote:
>>>The use of the captcha technique has become a type of industry 
>>>standard. I have found customers to quickly recognize and endorse 
>>>this technique. The Pro PHP Security guidebook offers an elegant 
>>>deployment of this solution.
>>>Plus, I thought, that email validation(s) by any technique is fraught with
>>>delays, failures and spoofing, likely making it too unreliable to 
>>>use at this
>>>potentially important new customer juncture.
>>>Warmest regards,
>>>Peter Sawczynec
>>While that is true, there are other captcha's to consider, like these:
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