[nycphp-talk] Need some JS / HTML help

David Krings ramons at
Sun Dec 23 09:06:00 EST 2007

nasir81 at wrote:
> Sorry, didn't mean to send a short and Curt reply. Javascript:void(0) in the herf will stop the browser from navigating away from the current page. i have used it in similar situations, where an onclick is required.

That doesn't seem to work the way I want to. It appears as that the href takes 
precedence over the onClick, which basically causes the link to do nothing. 
Yes, Javascript:void(0); prevents naviagtion away from the page, but it also 
disables the onClick code. I tried it in both Firefox and IE, and while 
Firefox just doesn't do anything IE complains about a semicolon missing in a 
spot where I put a semicolon. Microsoft's error messages are always beyond 

I went back to using href="" instead, which appears to work OK.
I expanded my function to accept a different parameter so that it can create a 
plain simple link. That makes it easier even when someone finds a good way to 
detect JS, it needs to be done only once and the parameter to be passed can be 
set accordingly.

Thanks for your help.


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