[nycphp-talk] Banner Rotation Package

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Fri Jul 14 17:36:15 EDT 2006

Yeah... as Jon mentioned, phpAdsNew has had a lot of development and is 
widely used.

MaxMediaManager is a project that is rewriting phpAdsNew to have many 
more features and use more OOP and good design patterns in the code. 
The 0.3 version of MaxMediaManager is nearing a stable version, but 
still has a lot of open bug tickets.  But I've been using a version of 
it that I modified with a lot of success.

Both of those are free... they have so many features, that like Jon 
said, might be overkill for your situation.


Urb LeJeune wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a banner rotation package? I doesn't
> have to be free but must be well written and easy to modify.
> Thanks
> Urb
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