[nycphp-talk] *Repost from DEV List* LDAP Authentication Against Microshaft's Active Directory

Ty R. Mote tmote at
Tue Feb 24 12:38:56 EST 2004

*Repost from DEV List*

Have any of you attempted to authenticate a user against AD using LDAP? I am
developing an application for a school district that will allow teachers and
students to use their existing usernames and passwords. However, we have a
user table in MySQL to authenticate parents.

Basically what I want to happen is when a user supplies a un/pw combination,
it will first attempt to authenticate against AD and then failover to MySQL.
It may actually be easier to have them choose what type of user they are,
but I wouldn't get to experience the joy of my original idea!

I am using a class that was developed for LDAP. I have worked on porting
most of the code to work with the nuances of AD. Before I get much further,
I would like to know if anyone has found a VERY clean and efficient way of
doing it.

Here is the setup that I am "working" with:

MS Windows Server 2003
IIS 6 w/ PHP 4.3.4
Active Directory
MySQL 4.0.16

I have complete access to the box(es) to install any modules, etc. that may
(or may not) be needed.

Ty R. Mote

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