[nycphp-talk] NEW PHundamentals Question

Joel De Gan joel at
Wed Feb 11 10:50:49 EST 2004

On Wed, 2004-02-11 at 01:02, jon baer wrote:
> is there any truth to the fact that e-voting systems are attempting to use
> captchas?  does anyone know?  ive come across a few articles that label
> captcha-like technology really being used as a legal (by law) type of
> digital signature, this would be interesting ...
> - jon

As far as I have heard, no. There is no intention of using captcha's.
Mostly it is using a unique key sent to each person (much like a key for
a video game or software registration).
If you want some excellent articles and opionions from an expert, I
would suggest looking through the Crypto-gram reprints (available here: ) It is a good newletter and
has the latest info on e-voting just about every month. And, Bruce is a
cool guy who can drink a lot of beer and still chat you up about crypto
(defcon 5 experience there..)
-Joel De Gan

joeldg - developer, Intercosmos media group.

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