[nycphp-talk] Projects

csnyder chsnyder at
Sat Aug 28 14:59:55 EDT 2004

It seems like coding a CMS is a rite-of-passage, so perhaps you should
consider that -- or as John suggested, a forum / bulletin-board.

But rather than tackle a mega-project like that, a single,
well-written PHP class (a la Pear but without the dependencies
perhaps) makes a great project, especially if you write it in
canonical PHP5 so it can serve as a roadmap to developers who haven't
seen as much of the new syntax.

Some things that might be fun/handy off the top of my head:

- an implementation of the Atom api for web publishing
- an implementation of scp (secure copy) (really, just an interface to
the command line program)
- a php class that provides an interface to Apache's Lucene indexer
- an RSS feed agregator


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