[nycphp-talk] Mambo users?

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Fri Apr 9 11:58:20 EDT 2004

Ophir Prusak wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm looking into setting up a site with a CMS for a change, and not 
> hand written php :)
> I remember hearing some people say that Mambo was great so I just 
> downloaded and installed it.
> Seems to be very cool.
> I was wondering if there are any Mambo users here that I could chat 
> with (AIM, MSN) to ask a couple of questions if needed. 

You got one of the core developers on the line ;)

BTW the forums at are also an excellent place to 
hang out for information.

-- Mitch
Recovering from a dead server :^/

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