[nycphp-talk] Masking Emails and Avoiding Spam - OOPS

Jeff jsiegel1 at
Thu May 1 20:48:40 EDT 2003


Very, very well stated. I've been preparing a "speech" similar to your
second paragraph in anticipation of my client's follow-up phone call. 

I also think that you are correct to point out about the "moral limits"
of the email content and that is the bigger issue.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Hendricks [mailto:jim at] 
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 7:32 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Masking Emails and Avoiding Spam - OOPS


I'm not totally uncaring about your client, just pointing out that we
live in a changing world, and as a business owner myself I understand if
I am not able to change with the times, I don't deserve to be in
business.  What your client is doing may have been acceptable when spam
was at the level of junk mail where every now and then I receive an
e-mail about legitimate business that is sensitive enough to recognize
that there are moral limits as to the content of the e-mail because
there may be minors viewing the e-mail.  But if we make exceptions as to
what e-mails are acceptable spam then the spammers will figure out how
to justify that their crap meets the exceptions.

Your client needs to spend time investigating the other options
available to him rather than bewail the fact that the spammers have
ruined for him a good means of rapping out some business.  He needs to
look at the job services like dice where he can register as a head
hunter and receive information about people looking for jobs that are
soliciting his type of e-mails.  He needs to look at getting his own
site advertised well enough that job applicants would come to his site
and enroll for his e-mails.  To act as if the world is over because a
means of marketing is going away is like crying the sky is falling!


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