[nycphp-talk] How to proceed?

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Fri Feb 7 11:08:42 EST 2003

Hi Tracy:

On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 11:51:51PM -0500, Tracy wrote:

> How to set the action of the script to address the issue?

Directly in the action attribute of the form element.  While you're right
that the location header is used for forwarding, that's not what you want
to do in this case.  Some other things to watch out for... beside
avoiding slashdot talk like "thankz" wich makes you seem immature...

> <?

Save yourself agony in the long run.  Use full tags: "<?php"

> switch ($_POST[flag]) {

Similarly, put in quotes around key names $_POST['flag'].

> <form method="post" action="">

Put the name of the script up ^ here.



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