[joomla] SSL virtual hosting

Gary A. Mort garyamort at
Mon Nov 25 08:39:03 EST 2013

I hadn't looked at how SSL works on web servers for a number of years.  
The last time I worked with SSL the common rule was that you had to have 
a  distinct IP address for every domain name that you wanted to use SSL 
for[so you could have an SSL certificate for each different domain]

Heck, even the Apache Wiki still states it in some places:

However, when poking around I ran across references to SNI and using 
multiple certificates for the same IP Address. This dates all the way back to 2006, 
so it has been around for quite a while!

Browser support for it goes back a good way as well:

Interestingly, for Internet Explorer it isn't the browser version which 
matters, but the operating system, IE uses the operating system to 
perform SSL encryption.  This means that it won't work in IE on Windows 
XP or any earlier windows operating system.  It will work for Internet 
Explorer on Windows Vista[released in 2007] and any later windows 
operating system.

As such, it's a fair to say that SSL for virtual hosts will work for 
almost all users these days - and there is no reason not to enforce the 
use of SSL for the Joomla Admin section as well as make sure that all 
your admin users, at the very least, use SSL when they log on to your 

This may be old news to everyone here, but since it was new to me I 
figured I'd pass it on.
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