[joomla] August NYC JUG meeting reminder and BONUS Joomla e-commerce news

Stephen Britton sbritton at
Wed Aug 10 15:03:51 EDT 2011


I want to remind everyone that the monthly Joomla NYC User Group meeting
takes place tomorrow night at 6:30 PM at Lincoln Center at 146 West 65th St.
(For more detailed instructions, )

This month Scott Wolpow and I will be presenting. Scott will discuss
wireframes and how to design your site before you start construction. I will
show two Joomla templates that can be seen in a wide range of browsers, from
iPhones to 55 inch LCD screens.

I also have a bunch of Joomla books to give away: Stephen Burge’s new
Joomla! <explained>, and Barry North’s Joomla 1.6: A Users Guide.

And bring your appetite too as Scott is bringing pizza!

*BONUS Joomla News, featuring VirtueMart 2*

Mark Twain once said "The report of my death is greatly exaggerated" and
apparently the same can be said about VirtueMart, the popular shopping cart
component for Joomla.

Last year it had been rumored that VirtueMart would not be upgraded to work
with Joomla versions released after 1.5. This turned out to the false as
VirtueMart 2, release candidate 2, was released on July 6th and the final
release is expected later this year.

To be fair, a year ago it was easy to think that VirtueMart would die off.
Security updates were rare and even rarer was news and support from the
VirtueMart developers. Fortunately, the lack of communication helped spawn a
sub-industry with numerous third-party companies providing tech support, all
types of Virtue Mart add-ons, and special templates.

Now the original VirtueMart developers have regrouped and are actively
developing VirtueMart 1.1.9, which works with J1.5, and the upcoming
VirtueMart 2, which will work with J1.6/1.7. Last month at Joomla Day Greece
2011, VirtueMart project member, Max Milbers, gave a presentation on the
future of VirtueMart.
that there is a 45 minute video on his VirtueMart presentation linked
to the site.)

Among the features slated to be supported by VirtueMart 2 are jQuery,
Akeebabackup, and a redesigned table layout. If you are curious and have
some spare time, you can download the release candidate for J1.6/1.7

I don’t want this to sound like a plug for VirtueMart. I need to mention the
excellent Tienda shopping cart from our friends at Discouri Design. Owner,
Rafael is a board member of Joomla NYC and has recently created a way to use
Tienda with the Zoo front-end component.

Another shopping cart worth considering is redSHOP by redCOMPONENT.
redSHOP began life as a fork of VirtueMart and has since taken on a life of
its own. Right now, it only works in Joomla 1.5. I tested it last year and
it appeared to be stable, but never got around to putting it to use.

I also want to add that the redCOMPONENT folks donated several thousand
dollars worth of plugins and component subscriptions that we gave away at
JoomlaDay 2010.

Speaking of JoomlaDay, if you have not registered for JoomlaDay NYC 2011,
you should do it now because time is running out. There is a $15 discount
per ticket if you sign up before Sept. 1. For more information and to sign
up, visit

Hope to see everyone tomorrow night.

- - - Steve

Stephen Britton
Technology Consultant
sbritton at
ph: 914-661-0040

"If you want to greatly increase your chance of success, double your rate of
failure." - Tom Watson, founder of IBM.
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