[joomla] times for user group meetings - extra time!

Laura Gordon li_gordon at
Wed Jan 6 13:00:20 EST 2010

Great news!

We have some additional options for people that would like to attend our user group meetings:

Date: January 14, 2010
Presidential Conference Room, Rose Building, 9th floor
6:00pm - 6:30pm --> Feel free to meet with others in our user group room and discuss your websites, problems, etc
6:30pm - 8:30pm --> Our User Group Meeting
8:30pm - 9:30pm --> You may stay in the room to network, work on your websites etc.

Note: For the Feb. meeting, we will be using a different room at lincoln center, and that room will not be available until 6:30, but it is just for that meeting, I'll post more details as we get closer.

Also, if you wanted to come into NYC earlier, the ATRIUM (Broadway between 62nd and 63rd) is also open, with wifi access, cafe, it will be a great place to mingle and work with each other either before or after the meetings (until 10pm), and Thursdays is free entertainment 8:30pm.

Special Thanks again to Lincoln Center!

Check out their new Joomla! site:

Remeber to sign up for

-- Laura
Create Dynamic Websites for your Company with Joomla! CMS 
Create Captivating Websites for your Business with HTML/FLASH 
....the choice is yours! - InstallFest - January 18, 2010  We did it!!!  Get ready for 2010!
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